Saturday, 15 March 2014

Its Summer don't forget to store Bath salt - Things you must Know about baths salt

What are Bath Salts?

Bath Salts are Usually inorganic, water soluble salts made from ocean salts,Yes, they are salts! Bath salts contain many beneficial minerals and nutrients that help to keep our skin  clean and smooth.Bath Salt contains the minerals  Magnesium, Potassium,Calcium,Bromide and yes, of course sodium.But depending on the salts origin they may have carry a variety of minerals. These  Minerals in Bath salts are easily absorbing by our skin, these help to open and cleanse the pores while firming the skins surface.  Always better to go for high quality bath salts.Be sure to use 100% natural bath salts made from sea Salt.Depending on grains size benefits also vary.Finer grains dissolves quickly and work well on your skin. The Picture of bath salt i added in this post are the bath essentials from Taj Exotica ,Coorg.

Bath Salts at  Summer ?

Its summer, when thinking about summer skin care don't forget to stoke bath salts.Use of bath salts during summer will help you to boost immunity and cleanse  toxins from our body.They really help you to keep your skin cleansed and refreshed.Using bath salts we can  enjoy the benefits of an expensive spa treatment in the privacy of our own home without empty your wallet.Yes bath salts are really easily available and affordable. So lets take a look at Bath salts.

How to Use it

  • You can add one to two hand full of bath salt to  your Bath tub for a refreshing bath.  

  • you can use Smaller grain bath salt with water (water is only for making it paste)  as scrubber

  • We can add essential oil such as lavender or vanilla, with bath salt for enhancing its result with aroma.
  • You can rub bath salts over your knee, feet with a damp wash cloth for exfoliation. 

  • Store bath salts in a dry and cool place. 

  • If you want to use homemade bath salts, it is easy to ,make at home by mixing sea salt, Epsom Salt and Essential oils in appropriate quantities. If you want to add color , you can add a little of food color. Mix it well and use it.    

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Lets give daily Cleansing to our skin

Most of us are not really giving a daily cleansing  to our skin. During summer it is very difficult for skin. Cleansing has the same importance as make up.If you didn't follow a proper cleansing that affects your skin. There are a lots of chemicals in the make up products, if we didn't remove it properly from our skin it results Wrinkles and black marks. It makes you look like older than really you are.

How to Take a Proper Cleansing

1. Wash your Face with warm Water.
2.Take some cleanser on your fingertips and apply it on your face and neck.Gently massage in circular motion.
3.Wash your face .

You are done!!

Find the right cleanser matching your skin type

There are a number of products available in the market that help to take care of specific skin types.
Some of them contain very harsh ingredients those make your skin worse. Below is the some natural ingredients.

For dry skin you can use baby oils.
For oily skin You can use Juice of cucumber 
Guys have sensitive skin better to use oil based cleanser.


The very easily available,Natures most effective natural cleanser. Add half spoon of salt into half cup of  cold milk. Stir well. Take some cotton Balls and soak in the mixture. Take the cotton ball and dab all over your face and neck. Leave it for 2-3 min. Repeat the same .Gently massage in circular motions and wash it off. 
This is good for all skin type.
Salt in the milk gently exfoliate the skin and milk nourishes the skin.

See you soon with some other tips till then take care..

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Egg Mask for Hair

Hi Sweeties,

 I know we all  have hair problems like hair fall, split ends etc.We often go crazy in search of a solution to combat various hair problems.Yes, there are various hair care products from experts.We are trying many products but experimenting with chemical products will  leave your hair dull, frizzy and life less.  So here i wish to share one of my natural hair care tip with you girls.   :)

Eggs are one of the best to fight with hair loss. Eggs are also helps to thickening hair strands.
Take an egg white and each table spoon of Olive oil and Honey. Mix it well and apply it uniformly on your scalp. Leave it there for an hour. Rinse it well with cold water after an hour and apply shampoo.