The Skin is the largest bodily organ. So we need to more careful about our skin. Have
you ever checked a well groomed person? If you do so you can see them with a
clear and even complexion. Yes, People with good personal grooming will always
seems to have a clear and smooth complexion. If you do not have a good skin
establish a skin care regime that works for you. If you want to do so, you must
need to know your skin type . So let’s check your skin type through the
following simple steps.
Step 1
Wash your face with a gentle cleanser/ use mild soap and water. Pat it dry and
Leave it for an hour. Now your skin returned to its natural state.
Step 2
Step 2
Dab Your skin with a tissue.
Pay Special Attention to the “T’’Zone(The area of forehead and nose)
Step 3

Determine your skin
type: Skin is 4 types. Normal, Oily, Dry and combination.
Normal Skin shows neither
oil nor flaking skin. It will feel supple and smooth. If you have Normal Skin
you are Lucky .
Oily skin is characterized by grease on the tissue and a
person with oily skin to have large
pores and shine.
Dry Skin may feel taunt
or show flakes of dead skin.
Combination skin shows the character of the above three. Normally
Oily in the “T” Zone and normal to dry elsewhere
Step 4
Now you know your skin type ! You go head and follow the beauty routines matching to your skin type.
Step 4
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